Ayrshire Hospice has a Summer Super Draw and the fundraising campaign is now open for those looking to raise funds locally…
The draw will take place on Friday, July 26, 2024 and Ayrshire Hospice are offering a top prize of £2,024 followed by a second prize of £500, a third prize of £100 and 70 runners-up prizes of £10.
The Ayrshire Hospice Fundraising team also have books of tickets available.
A book contains 12 Summer Super Draw tickets – that is £12 per book and twelve chances to win, with each and every £1 helping towards the vital care that helps us to create special memories for patients and families. To request a book of tickets please contact the team on 01292 288488 or email donate@ayrshirehospice.org.
Closing date is Friday, July 19 for paper tickets and up until midnight on Thursday July. 25 to enter online. Any late entries will be treated as a donation to the hospice. Players must be aged 18 years or over. Details in poster below.