Take Two
Chief Executive Craig Hatton gives his latest video update, discussing the latest Covid-19 restrictions, the upcoming Fair Say sessions for staff, an update on the Ayrshire Growth Deal and a range of other developments across the Council.
Chief Executive Craig Hatton discusses the latest developments in relation to Covid-19, the results of the recent staff survey, the upcoming Fair Say sessions for staff, and a range of other developments for colleagues across the Council.
Chief Executive Craig Hatton gives his latest update discussing the easing of lockdown restrictions, the return to schools, as well as a range of other developments for colleagues across the Council.
North Ayrshire Council Chief Executive Craig Hatton gives the latest update to colleagues, covering a range of issues, including an update on North Ayrshire Achieves.
Chief Executive Craig Hatton introduces the latest edition of the Staff Talk magazine which pays tribute to the magnificent efforts of all our staff.
Check out the video update from our Chief Executive Craig Hatton who talks about latest developments including the new Best Value Report.
Our Chief Executive Craig Hatton gives an update for colleagues on the latest developments including some changes to the lockdown guidelines.
Chief Executive Craig Hatton provides his latest update for staff on some of the big talking points for our Council during the current lockdown period.