As you may be aware already, Employee Services launched the centralised Sickness Absence Telephone line (01294 315333) to enhance the sickness absence reporting and recording processes.
The centralisation of this function has brought the following main benefits:
- improved the accuracy of information held
- reduced the number of people involved in the process (GDPR Compliance)
- provided automated manager prompts where action is required
As part of a review of this process, the Employee Services team sought feedback from Services on how the process could be enhanced.
As a result of the feedback, as of Monday 13th December, we are now providing the option to record sickness absence via the existing telephone line OR using the new Notification of Sickness Absence Commencing e-form. Read more on this and what you need to do when a team member returns to work, in the Latest News article here.
When the employee returns to work, you can notify Employee Services via the existing telephone line where you can get further information regarding wellbeing @ work prompts OR we will also accept the completion of the Return to Work (RTW) e-form if completed promptly. In all cases, the Return to Work form must be completed once the RTW meeting has taken place.
We hope that having these two methods will support Managers in continuing to provide timely notification of sickness absence. Please refer to the flowchart for the process or further guidance is available on Connects.