A series of three successful Staff Engagement Sessions have been held to give Council colleagues an opportunity to speak with Council Leader Marie Burns and Chief Executive Craig Hatton.
Staff also had the chance to ask questions and raise issues during Q&A sessions at Saltcoats Town Hall in April, at Cunninghame House in May and earlier this week during a virtual session.
These were the first face to face staff engagement sessions to be held following the disruption and new ways of working arising from the pandemic.
It was also noted that people appreciated the opportunity to put questions to Marie and Craig and hear the discussions the Q&A generated.
Craig said: “I would like to thank everyone for attending the sessions and getting involved in the Q&A, which gave us a chance to hear about many of the issues that are important to people working in the different services.”
Stalls were hosted at Saltcoats Town Hall and Cunninghame House by various services, and these offered staff information on Staff Talk, Energy Smart, employee benefits, financial wellbeing during the Cost-of-Living Crisis, MyJobScotland, Under-22 travel benefits, energy support, Education Maintenance Allowance, Scotwest Credit Union, active Travel and more.
Craig said: “I would like to thank everyone for attending the sessions and getting involved in the Q&A, which gave us a chance to hear about many of the issues that are important to people working in the different services.”

Craig added: “These sessions were very worthwhile and gave Marie and I a valuable opportunity to speak to staff face-to-face and – in the virtual session – hear a wide range of opinions.
“It was also good to be able to share our plans for the future and talk about the Council’s areas of focus, including tackling the Climate Emergency, working with our communities and key projects like the Ayrshire Growth Deal, our investment in flood protection schemes, schools and housing.
“Thank you all for your input and for taking the time to help generate some important conversations.”

The session at Saltcoats Town Hall was well attended.