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Childhood flu vaccine campaign gets under way

An image showing a person lying in bed while in the foreground a person holds a thermometer

Even healthy children can become seriously ill from flu, and parents of school-aged children in North Ayrshire are being asked to keep an eye out for consent forms for this year’s vaccine, which schools will begin distributing from Monday, 19 August.

Please complete forms and return to the school as soon as possible, ideally by no later than Monday, 2 September.

Vaccinations will take place in schools between Monday, 16 September, and Friday, 6 December.

Parents of children aged two to five should also receive an appointment for their child’s flu vaccine in the coming weeks. If you have not received an appointment by Thursday, 31 October, please contact the Child Health team on 01294 315385.

You can read more about the childhood flu vaccine and the immunisation programme in North Ayrshire on the NAHSCP website.

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