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Children’s Hearings Scotland seeks volunteers

Volunteer with Children’s Hearings Scotland (CHS) and make a difference in your community!

Children’s Hearings Scotland is recruiting for volunteer Panel Members across the country to help support Scotland’s infants, children and young people. In Ayrshire, the team are looking for enthusiastic people aged 18 and over who can show empathy, compassion and great listening skills.

Panel Members are volunteers from local communities who take part in children’s hearings. Their role is to listen and make legal decisions with and for infants, children and young people where there are concerns for their wellbeing.

Panel Members ensure that the young person is at the heart of every decision made – because every decision, no matter how big or small, has an impact on the life of the child or young person in the hearing.

CHS offer an extensive training programme with a highly experienced team to support your development, who will help you along your journey in becoming a panel member.

The application deadline for the current intake is midday on Monday, 30 September. Find out more and apply today via the website here: Volunteer with us (

Lisa Owen, Clerk to the Ayrshire Area Support team shares: “Volunteering with Children’s Hearings Scotland is a brilliant opportunity not only to develop your own skills through the comprehensive learning available, it is also a valuable opportunity to give back to communities, children and families.

“Becoming a Panel Member is an important and extremely valuable volunteering role for those who can show compassion, empathy and trust.

“Those selected will also be good listeners and should also be able to lead and be part of a team. Being a strong communicator is also key…

“If you put yourself forward and are successful, as a Panel Member trainee you will be expected to commit to a period of comprehensive learning. It’s a great adult learning opportunity for those looking to volunteer.”

If are interested in starting your Panel Member journey,  apply online before the deadline of midday on Monday, 30 September.

“And, if you’re not quite ready yet to apply but would like some more information, email the Clerk’s team at: – who can happily provide details on future intakes and volunteering opportunities.”

Empathy children's hearings Scotland thumbnail
“Volunteering with Children’s Hearings Scotland is a brilliant opportunity not only to develop your own skills through the comprehensive learning available, it is also a valuable opportunity to give back to communities and support children and families.”

Lisa Owen,  CHS Clerk from the Ayrshire Area Support team

Well-deserved recognition for selfless CHS volunteers 👇

Children’s Panel volunteers with over 260 years’ service between them have been given some well-deserved recognition.

Hosted on Wednesday, 4 September, at the Park Hotel, Kilmarnock, Panel Members from across Ayrshire were celebrated at a formal recognition event for their long service. This year, a total of 19 serving and four former panel members were thanked for their dedicated contributions.

Michael Stewart, CHS Tribunal Delivery Manager (Ayrshire) shared: “I am proud to recognise our selfless volunteers who have offered over 260 years’ service – a truly outstanding feat!

“The Panel volunteers have attended over 4,000 hearings for Ayrshire’s children, providing support, empathy, compassion and respect to the families attending the hearings.

“We are proud of our volunteers who remain committed to improving outcomes for all of Ayrshire’s children and were delighted to have recognised them at our annual event.”

The awards ranged from five to 25 years active participation, with longest-serving awards being handed to North Ayrshire Panel member Jim Heron, East Ayrshire Panel member Irene Bell and South Ayrshire Panel member Anne O’Hare, who were presented with an award for 25 years’ service.

Remember, if you are thinking about volunteering, you can record time on CHRIS as part of our overarching employee volunteering programme which allows for up to 2 days a year per employee.

Children's Panel Volunteers Ayrshire recognised at Annual recognition event
Panel volunteers with Michael Stewart [third left front] Ayrshire Tribunal Delivery Manager (Children’s Hearings Scotland) and Councillor Anthea Dickson [third right front] – local AST representative for North Ayrshire.
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