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Community garden blossoming at Eglinton Park

Like many local residents, you may have wondered what is going on in the big field on the left as you enter Eglinton Park.

Our Park Rangers have received lots of questions from visitors wondering the same thing over recent months. Turns out, it’s the place of a large community effort to create ‘Eglinton Community Garden’.

Eglinton Community Garden provides accessible opportunities for local people.

Whether they want to volunteer to help others, learn about gardening and growing food, or are looking to improve their mental and physical wellbeing, the community garden allows people to participate at a level of their choice and offers a safe and welcoming place to meet new people, make friends and feel part of a community effort.

Working in partnership to support our communities

It is a collaborative project that our Ranger Service supports alongside The Ayrshire Community Trust, Positive Steps, Alcohol and Drug Partnership, Turning Point Scotland Prevention, Early Intervention and Recover, Equal Supported Employment, ESOL New Scots, and the Conservation Volunteers.

Together, they are providing opportunities for our communities to reap the benefits of being in the outdoors and being active.

Everyone is working in partnership to turn what was an unused area of the park into a purposeful garden and community space for all abilities. The grand design for the garden has been finalised and early-stage funding has been secured including £40,000 from the Recovery and Renewal Fund which has been match-funded by the Alcohol and Drug Partnership – and now the hard work is underway to transform the field.

Colleagues across the Council recently took part on some ‘soil shifting’ sessions as part of DrEAM (read more about this in Staff Talk’s Drop Everything And Move article here).

Speaking about the session, Andrew Hale, Health Improvement and Equalities Officer, said: “Helping out at the Eglinton Community Garden during my lunch break was great. We were moving soil, helping to build up a natural barrier between a new children’s areas and the public access entrance to the garden. It was good exercise in the fresh air while contributing to a worthwhile project – a nice welcome break from sitting at a desk all day. I would recommend getting involved.”

If you would like to get involved or know someone who might benefit from this venture, below is some background and contact details of all of the volunteering opportunities:

Eglinton Community Garden Volunteers: this group meets every Wednesday morning 9.30am-12.30pm and aim to do the hard landscaping and construction aspects that enable the other groups to carry out the gardening and growing activities. The group also reach out to assist other community growing groups. If you would like to join this group, please get in contact with Linda on or 07966527094

TACT: meet every Tuesday morning from 9.30am-12.30pm and provide opportunities for volunteers interested in general gardening. If you would like to join, please contact Diane on

Positive Steps: meet every Monday and Wednesday morning 9.30am-12.30pm.  The project supports long-term unemployed people to develop and enhance skills that help progress towards a future with more employability options. Contact Cheryl on

EQUAL: the Equal Team supports those with disabilities or long-term health conditions in North Ayrshire into employment and remain a continuous support during their employment. Contact the team to find out more on

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