Participatory Budgeting is now LIVE and the Connected Communities team has launched a volunteer recruitment drive for PB application reviewers and in particular, North Coast reviewers are required.
However, if you live in another part of North Ayrshire and are keen to take part, spaces are still available too in other localities. If you are interested email the PB team at: you will then be invited to an online training session to find out what will be required of you.
With a sum of £198,377 overall, this year’s fund is split into three different categories – Youth PB, Locality PB and funding from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund – a UK Government funding stream helping to boost pride and prosperity across all localities.
However, before the community projects find out if they are successful or not, the Council’s network of Community Reviewers need to review the applications to ensure eligibility criteria has been met.
You will need to be aged 18 or over, have your own personal email and access to an internet connection via a laptop, computer or tablet.
The Connected Communities team would be grateful to hear from you, so please don’t delay, email today if you want to volunteer your time as a Community Reviewer and stay tuned to the Council’s social media channels for updates.