A brand new Instagram page has been launched, with the aim of promoting positive mental wellbeing for residents across North Ayrshire.
The Daily Positive North Ayrshire page features a mix of wellbeing tips and advice, as well as signposting to NAHSCP and NAC services and information about local groups and charities providing support to those who need it.
The team behind the new page includes representatives from services such as Mental Health, CAMHS, Education, Public Health, North Ayrshire Green Health Partnership, NAC Youth Services, North Ayrshire Libraries and the Corporate Parenting team.
It is hoped that by using a collaborative approach between services that the page can act as a single source of trusted information for anyone in North Ayrshire to find out about the support they can access locally.
While the new page is for anyone who is looking to improve their mental wellbeing, the Instagram page was initially devised as a way to reach a younger audience, with the average age of NAHSCP’s Facebook and Twitter page followers being 35 years and over. It is hoped that the page will also appeal to men living in North Ayrshire, who make up a significant minority of our Facebook and Twitter audience.
As well as signposting to groups and services, the page will also feature self-help tips for improving mental wellbeing and information on activities to reduce social isolation.
A number of takeover days by groups and services are being planned, with takeovers to date having included the recent youth festival at Kelburn Estate, outdoor activities with the CAMHS team and a spotlight on mental health charity Megan’s Space.
Michael McLennan, Engagement Officer for North Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership, said: “The Daily Positive account is just one part of our strategy to increase awareness around mental wellbeing and the support available across North Ayrshire, whether that be from our own services, local community support groups or charities.
“While statutory services are available for those with a mental illness, there are also many people who don’t require that level of support who still need some advice in terms of looking after their own mental wellbeing.
“We hope that by spreading a positive message to residents through Instagram that we can become a trusted source for anyone looking for support in our communities.”