The deadline for North Ayrshire Council’s annual rent consultation is fast approaching as tenants have until Sunday 12 January 2025 to have their say.
A letter containing the rent increase options has already been issued to all Council tenants inviting them to complete an online survey.
A QR code and link to the consultation survey within the letter, gives tenants the opportunity to complete the questionnaire and indicate their preferred option. They can do this over the phone, online or by email.
Complete the consultation online now here.
Housing Services will also be doing the following:
- offering two £50 shopping voucher as an incentive
- Microsoft Forms link to questionnaire for ease of completion online
- oromotion of rent consultation via website
- encouraging tenants to visit their local housing office or library to complete the consultation online or call the Customer Contact Centre to complete the survey over the phone; or request a survey form to be posted to them with a freepost return envelope
- publicising the consultation via home and site visits / consultation events
- utilising social media channels (Housing and Corporate)
- display information on TV screens in Housing Offices
- sending text messages/emails sent to tenants