The North Ayrshire Dementia Support Service can provide support to those living with dementia, as well as their carers and families.
Each individual’s dementia journey is unique, and the service will tailor its support to meet their needs, whether that be at home or in the local community.
The service can provide guidance, information and rehabilitation services – including personal care – to help individuals remain in their own home for as long as possible. It can also assist them to attend hearing, eyesight, dental and GP appointments.
The team’s specially-trained support staff will also work with their carer or family, giving accurate and up to date information on the individual services that can provide the best support to people affected by dementia and those around them, as well as signposting to respite services.
Staff can make referrals through the local social work office. The assessment will help to determine their needs and decide how these can best be met. Individuals and families can also self-refer by contacting their local NAHSCP office. If they already have a care manager in place, they can also be referred by them to the service.
For more information, call Dementia Support Co-ordinator Laura Hamilton on 07855 089 267 or email