Did you know that taking part in a regular five-a-side football game could have significant benefits to your overall health and wellbeing?
Football is a hugely popular sport to watch and play. If you enjoy a kick-around competitively or just for fun, taking part in football as a sporting activity helps to keep you fit, enhance your strength and stamina, and brings you the benefits of similar aerobic activities such as rugby and tennis.
Whether you’re football daft and love the game, or simply want a chance to get together and re-connect with colleagues outside of work, staff of all abilities are invited to join in on the upcoming local friendly Five-A-Side weekly football sessions.
Taking place weekly at The Circuit, Irvine every Wednesday between 5pm and 6pm, each session is £4 per person, per game. If you want to play, join the Teams group for all the details.
To find out more about the health and wellbeing of playing football, visit the NHS Inform website: Football | NHS inform