Green Health prescriptions support people to use outdoor green spaces in the local environment, encouraging healthy activities that positively impact people’s health and wellbeing.
North Ayrshire Green Health Partnership is currently running a survey in conjunction with the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) and the Public Health Intervention Responsive Studies Team at University of Hertfordshire to find out more about how well Green Health Prescriptions are working in North Ayrshire, who they have worked for, what settings they worked best in and how much they cost to deliver.
An online session is being held on Thursday 13 July from 1pm to 1.30pm to present an evaluation on the current effectiveness of Green Health Prescribing, and all NAHSCP staff who are involved in encouraging or socially prescribing Green Health activities are invited to join. You can so by following this Microsoft Teams meeting link on the day.
If you require any additional information, contact North Ayrshire Green Health Partnership Senior Project Officer David Meechan by emailing or calling 07773 200525.