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Have your say on nation’s food plan

We understand how access to affordable and nutritious food is vital for the health and well-being of our residents.

This is why we are encouraging residents to share their views in The Scottish Government‘s current consultation on Scotland’s first ever national Good Food Nation Plan 🥦🥕

This is a great opportunity for residents to have their say on what a #GoodFoodNation means to you and what would make it easier to feed your family, help local food businesses and farmers and support our wider communities in a sustainable way.

Part of the Scottish Government’s local food strategy, “Local Food for Everyone: Our Journey”, the consultation also sets out how we can work together to ensure that people have access to the best possible Scottish produce.

So, if you have some good ideas you want to share to help improve the availability and sustainability of locally produced food, contribute your ideas via the online consultation now – before the deadline of 22 April 2024.

Free online feedback events will also take place on Monday 8 April (6pm-8pm) and Thursday 18 April (3pm-5pm) > book online now if you want to learn more…

#northayrshirefairerfood #Consultation #GoodFoodNationPlan #AGoodFoodNation

Scotland's first good food nation plan
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