North Ayrshire’s partnership with Care Opinion gives our Health and Social Care Partnership the opportunity to respond to feedback online, learn what’s working well (and what isn’t working so well) and make any changes required to enhance people’s experience of our services.
Care Opinion is an independent website where service users can anonymously share their personal experiences of registered adult health and social care services. Stories are submitted by members of the public, which are then moderated and posted online by Care Opinion. Both positive and negative stories can be shared through the platform. It also gives us the chance to hear about some of the fantastic work being carried out by our teams across North Ayrshire.
It is important that we are able to raise awareness about Care Opinion among service users and the general public, and all NAHSCP employees have an important role to play in its promotion.
To find out more about Care Opinion and how you can help us to spread the word, read our staff briefing document online.