Arrangements for using the Office 365 booking system.
Arrangements for using the Office 365 booking system.
Make sure your upcoming meeting or event at Cunninghame House goes without a hitch by reading this guide on how to book Committee and Meeting Rooms.
Council Chambers and Committee Rooms can be booked through the corporate booking system (via Outlook Calendar on Office 365 > select date, then ‘New Meeting’ then freetype into location where you would like to hold your meeting and set the time and duration).
Please note: Bookings involving Elected Members should show precise start time of meeting. Any set up and take down time should be booked separately.
Ground Floor East
Council Chambers and Committee Rooms are available for booking, subject to non-requirement for Committee or Elected Member meetings. If Committee or Elected Member meetings do arise then existing bookings may be subject to amendment or cancellation.
Council Chambers
The Council Chambers holds a maximum of 50 people (with no seats occupied at the room side of the main table).
Please note: the Chambers is static and layout cannot be altered.
- the main table within the Chambers sits a maximum of 16 people (sits 12 comfortably)
- there is crescent shaped seating
- fixed tables which face onto the main table
- a seated area for the public and press to sit
- microphones connected to all tables
- 2 TV screens and a video wall
Please note: tea, coffee and food is not allowed within the Chambers.
If use of the presentation facilities within the Chambers is required, contact the Council Officers and they will help with operation.
Committee Rooms
- Irvine & Kilwinning holds a maximum of 14 people (TV monitor available in room)
- Three Towns holds a maximum of 12 people (projector available in room)
- North Coast & Islands holds a maximum of 14 people (touch screen wall monitor available)
- Garnock holds a maximum of 14 people (TV monitor available in room)
Please note: when booking Committee Rooms 30 minutes should be left between preceding and succeeding meetings (1 hour if you have had, or require, 2 rooms together (see below).
Irvine & Kilwinning and Three Towns Committee Rooms or North Coast & Islands and Garnock Committee Rooms can be linked if adjoining doors are folded back. Both sets of rooms when joined can hold a maximum of 22 people.
To request 2 rooms to be joined the Council Officers require access to the rooms 1 hour prior to and at the end of the meeting to unlock and unfold the partition doors and adjust the tables. Please take account of this setting up and taking apart time when making bookings and notify booking approvers that you wish 2 rooms to be joined.
Bear in mind:
- when placing a booking request, please state precise title of meeting being held
- tea and coffee ordered for meetings should be placed on unit provided in the Committee Rooms (please ensure that all cups are returned to this area at completion of meetings)
- there is no video conferencing available in the Chambers or Committee Rooms, but tele conferencing can be set up with prior notice.
- if meetings are cancelled please ensure that they are removed timeously from the Meetings List and that any catering ordered is also cancelled
Chief Executive’s Conference Room
The Chief Executive’s Conference Room is on First Floor East and holds a maximum of 16 people.
Members’ Lounge
The Members’ Lounge has 3 low level tables with 12 chairs and an open plan kitchen available for Elected Members’ use. The Members Lounge will not be available for lunches held within the Committee Rooms or Chamber without prior consent from the Council Officer.
All other rooms within Cunninghame House
All other large (16) and medium (10) meeting rooms within Cunninghame House have wall mounted monitors for showing multimedia. All of these rooms are now bookable on Office 365.
- Meetings in these rooms can be booked ‘back to back’ but any catering etc must be cleared away, and the room left as you would wish to find it.
- As there is no direct ownership of these rooms, it is the sole responsibility of the person making the booking to ensure that the room meets the needs of the meeting. Council Officers can only offer limited assistance to these rooms.
- Bookings should be cancelled if no longer required, Council Officers can assist with this
If you have any queries, please call one of the following:
- 01294 324150
- 01294 324151
- 01294 434101
For any amendments to pre booked Corporate Rooms, contact the original requester in the first instance. Council Officers may also be able to assist should issues occur.