Did you know that if you work for the local authority, Health, Police, Ayrshire College, Fire and Rescue and many more, you are a Corporate Parent to all children and young people that are care experienced in North Ayrshire?
Jenny Lewis recently joined the Corporate Parenting team as their Engagement and Participation lead, and each month she will be hosting monthly drop-in sessions and sharing updates via the new #KeepThePromise Column here on Staff News.
Read the latest update from the Corporate Parenting team and learn about what we can do below to ensure we are collectively fulfilling our statutory duties as Corporate Parents in North Ayrshire.
Welcome to The Promise (June) Staff Column | Written by Jenny Lewis CP Lead
Our Staff Column is relevant to all North Ayrshire Council employees as each one of you is a Corporate Parent with a responsibility for ensuring the best possible care and safeguarding for our Care Experienced children and young people.
The Corporate Parenting team are here to support you, your Team and the Council to #KeepThePromise.
Monthly drop-ins ongoing
We would like to share a huge thank you to staff who attended our latest drop-ins at both Stevenson Library at Brodick Hall on Arran. Colleagues enjoyed hearing about the Promise’s status and local opportunities. We engaged in impactful conversations over a hot drink and biscuit.
The next drop-in is on Thursday June, 27 at Kilbirnie Library 4pm – 5pm and then Wednesday, July 24 at Ardeer Community Centre from 10.30am until 11.30am.
We encourage all Council employees to attend at least one drop-in throughout the year. Read more in the Latest News article.
Promise meetings continue across Services
Promise Champions staff network meetings for June are well under way. We have already enjoyed welcoming Communities and Education staff on Thursday, June 6 at Auchenharvie, where the focus was on how we can reduce stigma for the Care Experienced community.
A meeting for Health and Social Care staff takes place on Wednesday, June 19 and for Finance, Housing and Employability staff on Tuesday, June 25 (calendar invites will be sent directly to attendees). If you don’t yet have a Promise Champion representing your Team, contact: jennylewis@north-ayrshire.gov.uk for more information and to elect somebody.
Lights, Camera, Action!
We’re excited to continue to team up with colleagues on a small video project promoting our Care Experienced young people’s Language Charter and Anti-Discrimination and Stigma Policy. If you are a Care Experienced colleague and would like to be involved in this, please contact jennylewis@north-ayrshire.gov.uk

Share case studies ahead of Care Experienced Week
Care Experienced Week takes place at the end of October every year. It is a week to celebrate the Care Experienced community.
The first Care Experienced Week was held in October 2018. It was launched and initially celebrated by Who Cares? Scotland and is now celebrated globally.
Care Experienced Week will take place between 21st-27th October this year. To demonstrate our commitment to our Care Experienced children & young people, we are asking all Corporate Parents across North Ayrshire to complete a Case Study highlighting an example where you and/or your Team have supported Care Experienced children or young people to achieve a positive outcome.
Case studies should be submitted no later than Wednesday, July 31 – please share your positive case study online here.
Final thoughts…
I am looking forward to sharing frequent updates with you about what is happening in our Council and best practice examples via this Staff Column, Promise Champions staff network, drop-ins and Staff Briefings.
You can consult our Corporate Parenting 2023 – 2026 plan on the North Ayrshire Council website to learn more about our priorities.
If you have any questions or need support, please drop me an email at: jennylewis@north-ayrshire.gov.uk. Let’s work together to #KeepThePromiseNA
Thank you for reading,