Did you know that if you work for the local authority, Health, Police, Ayrshire College, Fire and Rescue and many more, you are a Corporate Parent to all children and young people that are care experienced in North Ayrshire?
Jenny Lewis recently joined the Corporate Parenting team as their Engagement and Participation lead, and each month she will be hosting monthly drop-in sessions and sharing updates via the new #KeepThePromise Column here on Staff News.
Read the latest update from the Corporate Parenting team and learn about what we can do below to ensure we are collectively fulfilling our statutory duties as Corporate Parents in North Ayrshire.
Welcome to the Corporate Parenting Team’s first Staff Column | Written by Jenny Lewis CP Lead
We will be writing to you monthly to share news and best practice examples for all our Corporate Parents. We are pleased to be working with the Corporate Communications team to increase our exposure (via articles such as this one) and develop ways to clearly and consistently share information.

New Champions network will evidence #ThePromise progress
An important initiative being developed is our Promise Champions staff network. We are in the process of recruiting a Promise Champion from each Service/Team across the Council. The network is a collaborative forum to acquire consistent information regarding #ThePromise and how it is progressing.
The Corporate Parenting team held a successful launch at Saltcoats Town Hall on Wednesday 20 March and would like to share our thanks to the Promise Champions already recruited who attended.
Those who take part only have to commit to four meetings a year and a couple hours each month to collate evidence. It is also a chance to learn about local and national updates and opportunities, hear from guest speakers, share best practice and ideas, develop our own learning and understanding, peer networking, forming alliances and more…
In partnership with our Promise Champions, we aim to work together to demonstrate how our Council is working resolutely and successfully alongside our children and young people to #KeepThePromise.
I personally am looking forward to sharing frequent updates with you about what is happening in our Council and best practice examples via this Staff Column, Promise Champions staff network, drop-ins and Staff Briefings.
You can consult our Corporate Parenting 2023 – 2026 plan on the North Ayrshire Council website to learn more about our priorities. I can be contacted via email to share what your team is doing to #KeepThePromise, nominate a Promise Champion, discuss partner working or ask any questions: jennylewis@north-ayrshire.gov.uk
Thank you,
Jennifer Lewis, Corporate Parenting Engagement & Participation Lead

Our Staff Column is relevant to all North Ayrshire Council employees as each one of you is a Corporate Parent with a responsibility for ensuring the best possible care and safeguarding for our Care Experienced children and young people.
The Corporate Parenting team are here to support you, your Team and the Council to #KeepThePromise.
Monthly drop-ins are the first step in ambitious plans for 2024
The Corporate Parenting team have been working enthusiastically to share our projects with Corporate Parents.
This has included offering a monthly drop-in that all North Ayrshire Council employees can access on different days of the week, at various times and in a range of locations (see poster below). Staff can attend the drop-ins to discover ways to best support Care Experienced children and young people regardless of their role in the Council.
Thank you to those who attended our first drop-in at Cunninghame House on Tuesday 26th March. Colleagues enjoyed hearing about the Promise’s status and local opportunities. They also received copies of our young people’s Language Charter and Anti-Discrimination & Stigma Policy, explored our CE4U app, signed up to our tri-annual staff briefing and more.
We engaged in impactful conversations over a hot drink and biscuit. Staff even got some freebies to take away…
The next drop-in is at Saltcoats Library on Tuesday 16th April between 10.30am – 11.30am and the following drop-in is at Brodick Hall on Wednesday 22nd May between 2.00pm – 3.00pm.
We encourage all Council employees to attend at least one drop-in throughout the year. Read more in the Latest News article.
Working directly with children and young people
Our children and young people are and will continue to be at the forefront of all our work. Their opinions will be sought throughout, they will co-design services and interventions alongside us, and they will have opportunities to raise their voices in a range of methods and settings.
We have young people’s Champions Boards set up across each of the Secondary Schools who meet regularly with us in a safe space. We are working with Secondary Schools to support in raising awareness, reducing stigma and reframing the public narrative around Care. As a team, we are also offering events and experiences over the school holidays for Care Experienced children and young people.
“Even if you don’t regularly work with Care Experienced children or their parents, your Service may still have an impact on the lives of these families and individuals. You still have a statutory duty to assess and support their needs, identify opportunities for them, and help them to access those opportunities. This is a shared responsibility of all of us and my team is here to help you understand your own role when it comes to Corporate Parenting.”Jenny Lewis – Corporate Parenting Engagement and Participation Lead