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New information box on Outlook for external email

Due to the threat of data breaches caused by incorrect email addresses being entered when sending personal information, it is important to STOP, THINK/CHECK before SENDING emails.

This is particularly important when sending external emails as Outlook does not have the functionality to recall external email addresses. This means that once the information is sent externally, we no longer have control over how this information is used.

This can result in individuals coming to significant harm as well as the Information Commissioner’s Office reprimanding our organisation.

To try and highlight when an external email address has been used, you will now see an info box appear advising you of this. See below:

External email screenshot

Below this message box, you will also see the classification label applied to the email. All emails should be classified accordingly to protect the information contained.

Public Official and Official Protect screenshot of categories from Outlook

If you require any further information on classification, please do not hesitate to contact the Information Governance Team.

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