The construction works at Marress House, adjacent to Cunninghame House, Irvine, are nearing completion.
The proposed new Early Years Centre is scheduled to open after the school summer holidays and will also house a professional learning and development space for training, and CCTV and concierge facilities.
As an integral part of these works, there are various traffic management and pedestrian improvements being undertaken in the surrounding area to support the opening of the new facility.
Alongside new and refreshed signage and other improvements, the loading bay (opposite the staff entrance to Cunninghame House) will be relocated, with the existing location now forming part of the access and entrance routes to Marress House.
The Marress House site will be accessed at the first left turn as you enter the staff car park at Cunninghame House, with drop-off spaces provided directly at the Marress House entrance.
The traffic circulation within the Marress House site will be one-way, with vehicles exiting the site via the second exit. There is a short vehicular route to the rear of Marress House, allowing for access to dedicated parking spaces for Marress House only. There will be no other use permitted for these spaces.
Read the plan detailing the new arrangements and other improvements being undertaken here for your information.
There are no changes to any of the access or parking arrangements for the Cunninghame House Car park site. Once the Marress House facility is operational, we would ask drivers and pedestrians to take additional care when entering and exiting the Cunninghame House car park given the additional vehicular movements in the area.