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No Wrong Door info session being held this week

Many colleagues across all services will now be familiar with our No Wrong Door policy…

This, basically, encourages staff to carry on the fantastic work they already do in the course of their working day to direct residents to the right information they need to access vital Cost-of-Living support.

No Wrong Door was launched to build on existing efforts to ensure that residents can access the funding or support they need – whether this is in relation to paying energy bills, accessing education or finding out more about state benefits.

The Child Poverty and Cost-of-Living Board, chaired by Council Leader Marie Burns, has hosted a series of public mini enquiries as part of its work, focusing on issues including childcare needs, employability and access to food.

In October 2022, No Wrong Door was the name of the first enquiry.

The ‘No Wrong Door’ policy aims to build on the existing positive culture among Council employees and partner organisations to help ensure that residents are quickly and effectively directed to the crucial information they require at the earliest opportunity.

In practical terms, this means that when any Council employee is asked by members of the public for Cost-of-Living information they simply do their best to help.

Elaine Nixon, Senior Manager for Customer Services, and Customer Services’ Team Leader Michelle Emberson are planning a series of staff information sessions and training events on No Wrong Door.

The aim of these is to raise awareness among colleagues of what is expected of them when members of the public ask for guidance on where they can access Cost-of-Living support.

Elaine shares: “Sadly, the Cost-of-Living Crisis isn’t going away. In fact, for many people living here in North Ayrshire it is getting worse.

“So, it is important that we – as a local authority – do our best to direct residents to the support they need, whether they need to get advice on Crisis and Community Care grants, make enquiries about a Council Tax reduction or get advice on the Discretionary Housing Payment.

“The No Wrong Door Policy is really just formalising what many Council employees would do anyway – and that is to go out of their way to assist people in need.

“We appreciate that everyone is busy but would encourage as many staff as possible to attend one of our information sessions. A simple act like giving a resident the Customer Services phone number – 01294 310 000 – could unlock financial support for them.”

No wrong door graphic

Drop-in information sessions will be held on:

  • Wednesday 29 January: Cunninghame House at the staff entrance (Noon until 2pm) and,
  • Thursday 30 January: Saltcoats Town Hall at the staff entrance (Noon until 2pm)
Senior Manager Elaine Nixon (far right) Training and Development Officer Jamie-Leigh Dickson, Team Leader Michelle Emberson Training and Development Officer Megan Moore
Customer Service team (left to right): Megan Moore (Training and Development Officer), Team Leader Michelle Emberson, Jamie-Leigh Dickson (Training and Development Officer) and Senior Manager Elaine Nixon.

An Accessible Council for all

In recent months, the Transformation team has worked with key stakeholders to create a new streamlined customer referral process as part of No Wrong Door. See the recent news article for details on this.

This includes an online advice and Corporate Referral Pathway support referral form.

The aim of the new referral process is to allow customers to share their contact information with us once, then, behind the scenes we will direct this referral information to relevant service provider – both internal Council services and external support services – who can provide the most appropriate next steps.

There is helpful information on the Cost-Living Support webpage for anyone who needs Cost-of-Living support.

As well as the drop-in sessions scheduled for early next year, a learning event will be arranged to take place in Cunninghame House at a later date, and details of this will be advertised via News In Brief – stay tuned for further details.

If your team has good examples of how you have made a difference via the No Wrong Door process, please get in touch as we would love to feature these in future news stories. Email: to share your story.

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