The nomination period is now open for the Spring 2025 Young Scotland Programme which will be held from 28 to 31 January 2025 in Ayr.
The core aims of the event are enhancing communication skills, broadening intellectual horizons and inspiring confidence.
It is open to people aged 18 or over and those who are at an early stage of their careers – there is no upper age limit (people who have come late to a career, for example, are encouraged), there is no upper age limit.
The intensive three-day event will feature the familiar combination of debate, group discussion and thought-provoking speakers.
A central part of the course is the presentation by each delegate of a 900-word paper (“Argument”) on a topic – of the delegate’s choice – of current interest or controversy. Researched, written and submitted in advance, the paper is delivered during the event. Young Scotland Programme coaches provide advice – in a written briefing before the programme and then in rehearsal before the papers are presented.
And there’s much more, including:
- Guest speakers sharing their extraordinary life experiences in the Testimony sessions;
- The 90 Second Challenge, in which delegates ask themselves a question on a subject of their own choice and answer it without notes;
- The Group Challenge, in which delegates are divided into small discussion groups, allocated a topic, and given a short time to prepare an informal presentation;
- and Yes, No, Don’t Know, the major debate on a big issue of the day.
The entire event adds up to a rich and unique experience. Everyone who completes the course will receive a certificate – in recognition of an outstanding achievement. In addition, based mainly on the Argument paper, the Scotland Young Thinker of the Year title will be awarded to a delegate on the final evening. There will also be an award for Best Group in the Group Challenge.
The venue for this programme is the Western House Hotel, Ayr. Bookings can be made on the Upcoming Events page of our website – the closing date is Thursday 12 December 2024.
The cost of the programme is £1380 plus VAT (total £1656) per delegate, which includes accommodation (single occupancy) and all meals.
Registration is in the afternoon of Tuesday 28 January and participants will check out after breakfast on Friday 31 January. The cost of the programme for any nominations made would be met from Directorate budgets, so if you are interested in attending, please discuss this first with your line manager.
The Young Programme website provides further information on the programme, including a Young Programme brochure with information.
Places are limited, so if you are interested, please get in touch with Irene Somerville in the Learning & Development Team at in the first instance.