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Reporting suspicious emails upate

Phishing emails remain the foremost method of instigating cyber-attack.

To make reporting easier for all staff, IT Services have rolled out a new reporting function within Microsoft Outlook. Depending on your version of Outlook you will see one of the two reporting buttons below:

Screenshot of outlook for reporting suspicious emails

When clicked, the suspicious email will be forwarded directly to the Cyber Security Team for further analysis.

Reporting a phishing email is preferable to just deleting it, it allows the Cyber Security Team to intervene and remove the message from any other mailboxes it was sent to, it also helps stop that type of message being delivered in future.

What to look out for…

Phishing techniques are continually evolving, meaning that phishing emails are increasingly convincing to recipients and more difficult for automated screening systems to detect.

The team has observed a marked increase in attackers abusing the email systems of legitimate companies, or file sharing services like Dropbox and Google Drive to distribute phishing emails. Additionally, the availability of AI services like ChatGPT have made it much easier to craft convincing and well written phishing messages. We encourage all staff to remain vigilant and report anything suspicious to the Cyber Security Team.

In addition to the new reporting function, our existing reporting methods remain available, you can log a job in the IT Customer Portal or forward the email to the Cyber Security Team mailbox.

If you have any further queries regarding the above, please contact the Cyber Security Team for more information.

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