As a Council we are responsible for collecting, storing, sharing and destroying people’s personal information.
This is to ensure the safety of our employees, residents, services users, children and ensures we comply with data protection and records management legislation.
It is important that you never put personal information in a general waste or a recycle bin. It must be shredded or disposed of in confidential waste bags (provided by waste services)
What is personal information?
Personal information is pieces of information that relate to a living individual and can identify who they are. See below some examples:
- Name
- Address
- Phone number
- Work location
- Personal email address
- IP Address
- Racial/ethnic origin
- Political opinion
- Health information
Secure disposal
Please take time to read the Confidential Waste Policy on Connects. This explains the process in full to ensure individual’s information is destroyed in the correct manner.
Managing risks!
When handling personal information it is important to understand the importance of security. How would you feel if your information was discarded in an inappropriate manner?
If you do not follow the correct procedure, this can result in infringements of the privacy rights of individuals, can potentially adversely affect the personal and online safety of those affected, cause reputational damage to the Council and incur substantial fines from the Regulator.
STOP and THINK before you DISCARD!
Further advice
The Information Governance team are on hand to assist with any queries you may have and can be contacted through the following shared mailboxes: