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Share and find news on Beta

Our new North Ayrshire Council website is currently available in Beta version for everyone to have a look around. You are invited to check out some of the new features in advance of switch over.

The News section has been styled to have a magazine feel and with the addition of the Share feature it will be easy to send articles to your friends and family through social media, email and as a link.

New homepage of the Beta Council webpage with shareable weblink

Another new feature are the filters which will allow you to sort news articles by Council priority and locality.

Example of filter by priority or location option on new Beta Council website

Filter tags are available to view at the bottom of each article. If you click or tap one of the tags, then a search will be done to find all these types of articles.

Example of filter by tags on new Beta Council website

Visit the Beta version of the website and try for yourself.

We’d be delighted if you’d take a few moments to complete our short website feedback form.

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