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Step up to the challenge

Are you up for the StepCount Challenge? North Ayrshire Council’s  StepCount Challenge starts in March and we are looking for teams to sign up for 4 weeks of competition.

This year’s StepCount Challenge starts on Monday 3rd March for 4 weeks, and from feedback from previous years the Travel Smart team are looking to make a small change to try and make the Challenge a bit more fairer to everyone.

In the past there would usually just be one Challenge where everyone competed to achieve as many steps as possible across the board, and this meant that a team who may well not be as active as another team lost motivation throughout the challenge.

So this year, each team has to decide which Group they wanted to compete in dependant on the number of steps they would look to achieve on a daily basis, below are the groups that each team can choose to compete in.

  • Group 1: Up to 50,000 steps per day per team
  • Group 2: Between 50,001 – 72,500 steps per day per team
  • Group 3: Between 72,501 – 100,000 steps per day per team
  • Group 4: Over 100,000 steps per day per team

Please do not select a group where you are expecting to achieve more steps than the daily recommendation, this is defeating the whole point of trying to make it a level playing field for everyone.

To take part in the StepCount Challenge please follow the below steps:

Travel Smart Step Count Challenge graphic
  • Select 5 Team Members (If you don’t have 5 team members please still pre-register and I will look to merge teams together where possible)
  • Select a Team Captain (Team Captain is only required as a point of contact and to register your team for the competition.)
  • Select a Team Name (Make as quirky as you can as an award of 5,000 steps is up for grabs for the best team name.)
  • Team captains to pre-register your team and team members here.

Please note that this is a pre-registration stage only, this allows the Travel Smart team to understand the number of teams looking to take part.

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