We are required to meet accessibility regulations for anything published on our website. This means that as well as developing a visually appealing website which is easy to navigate, all content published must meet current accessibility legislation.
The website redesign is progressing, and we now have over 75% of page content completed and are well on our way for July’s beta launch.
The Web and Digital Experience Team within IT would like to thank all teams for your input into the process so far.
If you are a content editor, you should think about accessibility from the beginning to end of every project in a holistic way. NCVO lay out some measures you can take for this, such as:
· including disabled people when planning research or testing
· raising awareness of disability and the social model of disability
WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) updated its regulations in October 2023 to the 2.2 standard which includes 9x additional success criteria from the 2.1 standard. This is always evolving and being reviewed as we are already aware that WCAG 3.0 is being developed. The regulatory body updates these standards every three to six months, so it’s good to keep checking these guidelines for the latest version.
Put your knowledge into practice
Our Connects pages on Digital Accessibility share support videos on creating accessible document structure, tables and meeting readability requirements as well as further written guidance.
The training and guidance videos aim to help you understand how to make the information and content you create accessible for all.
We hope these resources provide you with more knowledge and understanding of accessibility so that your content is on track for the beta launch.