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Upcoming Care Opinion training

Care Opinion is an independent website where service users can anonymously share their personal experiences of registered adult health and social care services.

Our partnership with Care Opinion gives us the opportunity to respond to feedback online, learn what’s working well (and what isn’t working so well) and make any changes required to enhance people’s experience of our services.

A number of online sessions will take place over the coming weeks for any staff members who are interested in finding out more about the following topics.

Click on the name of the webinars below that you are interested in to register.

Introduction to Care Opinion – with Basic Searching

Tuesday 21 January, 10am: This session is great if you have recently been added to a subscription or if you want to go back to basics.

Learn about Care Opinion, how to log in and update your profile details, navigate the site and find stories relevant to the service you work in.

Care opinion training graphic with two people at laptop
How to Respond Well

Tuesday 4 February, 2pm: This session will look at the research on what makes a good response and share the best practice framework to help you feel confident writing responses to stories on Care Opinion.

Promoting Care Opinion & Asking for Feedback

Wednesday 19 February, 10am: This session will help you get the most out of the print materials and discuss how you can use online promotion to increase the visibility of Care Opinion, as an option to the people who use your services. You will see real examples of how health and care services encourage feedback. It will also explore ways of asking for feedback in various settings to help staff embed asking for feedback into their daily roles.

How to Use Invitation Links – The Basics

Tuesday 4 March, 2pm: Invitation links are a way for you to invite feedback through Care Opinion that can be customised and linked to a specific service. This webinar will show you how to set up and use invitation links across your services.

A reminder that we have some Care Opinion print materials available for services to use. If you’d like to collect any of these from Cunninghame House, please contact to arrange.

Privacy Preferences
When you visit our website, it may store information through your browser from specific services, usually in form of cookies. Here you can change your privacy preferences. Please note that blocking some types of cookies may impact your experience on our website and the services we offer.