Whether you’re looking to develop your career, learn something new or attend the latest Connected Leadership sessions, be in the know with our round-up of the latest staff training and information sessions.
Corporate Courses

The Council’s Learning & Organisational Development team corporate course dates for 2025 are published on the Sharepoint Booking System. If the course you are looking for doesn’t have a date schedule yet you can still be nominated for it, which means you will get notified when new course dates become available. Nominating couldn’t be easier, you simply need to complete the Learning & Development Course Nomination e-form.
Absence Management courses (delivered via Teams for Line Managers)
As part of the Council’s ongoing commitment to improving Absence, HR are launching a How To: Absence Management Series designed to take it back to basics and help Line Managers to manage employee absences effectively. Find out more and save the dates via the Latest News article.
Pre-Retirement course (delivered via Teams)
Our online Pre-retirement course, delivered by Affinity Connect encourages a positive and realistic approach to help you make informed choices about your retirement plans and is aimed at employees who are considering retirement within the next 5-10 years.
The next session is on Tuesday 25 March 2025 – 1pm until 3.30pm – Secure your place via our Booking site.
Coming this month…
Deadline approaching to complete mandatory training modules
Colleagues are reminded that it is that time of year again to complete mandatory training modules. Read the Mandatory E-Learning update for a run-through of everything that needs to be completed before the end of March 2025.
Moving and Handling information sessions
Our Health and Social Care Partnership are running Moving and Handling information sessions for families and carers on Friday 7 March at the Castleview Hub, 97 Glasgow Street, Ardrossan. A morning session will take place from 9.30am to 12.30pm, with an afternoon slot running from 1.30pm to 4.30pm. Places are limited, so booking is essential. If you know someone who would be interested in attending, they can book a place by emailing hscpmovingandhandling@north-ayrshire.gov.uk with their name, contact details and preferred time slot.
External sessions…
Bitesize learning – sign up for 2025
‘Bitesize’ is a leadership development programme designed specifically for staff in NHS Ayrshire & Arran and the three Ayrshire health and social care partnerships.
The programme is for anyone from any team, at any level, who wants to learn, grow, lead and participate in building our vision, Caring for Ayrshire. It focuses on the importance of everyone’s role in initiating and driving forward improvement and change, developing ideas and working with others to build our future.
Sessions are online and will run once a month for one hour from January 2025 to November 2025.
If you’d like to find out more, contact aa-uhb.daringtosucceed@aapct.scot.nhs.uk
Child Protection training calendar
The North Ayrshire Child Protection Committee Training Calendar has now been updated to include the courses on offer between now and the end of June. The workforce levels for training have been redefined this year, and the team have added a section to the calendar explaining these so you can decide which course is right for you.
Suicide Prevention Ayrshire training opportunities
Suicide Prevention Ayrshire is a small team of employees from NHS Ayrshire & Arran and the three Health and Social Care Partnerships that is responsible for the development, coordination and delivery of suicide prevention and intervention training across Ayrshire.
The suicide prevention training programme has two dedicated trainers delivering sessions across Ayrshire with the aim of raising awareness of suicide and providing people with the confidence and skills to support people experiencing suicidal thoughts. The training is open to anyone that lives or works in Ayrshire. For details on times and dates of upcoming courses, as well as information on how to book, visit the Suicide Prevention Training Brochure online.
Support in our Communities…
Digital support for over 50’s
CLASP (Community Led Action & Support Project) is a charity based in Stevenston. Its HOPE Goes Digital project provides six free sessions on essential digital skills for anyone aged 50 plus living in North Ayrshire – using their smartphone, tablet or laptop – which will be held in local venues.
Alongside digital skills sessions, HOPE Goes Digital offers telephone befriending, 1-2-1 befriending in the Three Towns area, digital groups, lunch clubs, arts and crafts, health and wellbeing activities and social outings. People can be referred for digital skills sessions and come along to activities. For more information, contact Salena (Digital) or Jim (Activities) by calling 01294 602 711 or emailing info@clasps.org.uk.
Free online course on medicine-related needs for older people with a sensory impairment
A free, online course around impaired sight or hearing has been launched by the University of Strathclyde. This four-week course will teach attendees about the medicine-related needs of older people with a sensory impairment and how best to support those needs. If you’re interested in finding out more, visit the Alliance website, where you will also find a registration link.
Grief Resources by Healing Hearts in Irvine and Kilwinning
Grief support groups are currently operating in Irvine and Kilwinning. Anyone is welcome to go along for free community support for those who are grieving. The friendly Healing Hearts groups can also help people with new skills who want to understand how to better support someone following a bereavement. The Irvine groups operate at Irvine Library (Mondays 11am-midday) and Trindlemoss Day Opportunities (Thursdays 4-6pm). For Kilwinning, the sessions take place on Fridays at Kilwinning Library in the morning (10.30am -midday) and as the afternoon is fully booked (12.30pm-2.30pm).
Pan Ayrshire Tobacco-Free Alliance
NHS Ayrshire and Arran’s Public Health team is looking to set up a Pan-Ayrshire Tobacco Free Alliance as part of the Smoke Free Scotland Strategy. If you are interested in getting involved in the project, please contact: Yvonne.Miller2@aapct.scot.nhs.uk for further information.
Support sessions for visually impaired parents
Blind Parents UK offers a range of free support services for visually impaired parents across the UK, as well as providing advice for professionals who support parents with a vision impairment. To find out more about the services provided, including information on how to get in touch, click on the link to the organisation’s leaflet on the NAHSCP website.
Support to stop smoking
NHS Ayrshire & Arran’s ‘Quit Your Way’ is a free service that can support staff and members of the public to stop smoking through face-to-face support, drop-in sessions and support over the phone, including free nicotine replacement therapy if required.
North Ayrshire Quit Your Way clinics for October are being held as follows:
Area | Location | Time and Day |
Dalry | Dalry Health Centre, Vennel Street (for practice patients only) | Mondays, 9.30am to 11.30am |
Largs | Largs Medical Practice, Brisbane Road (for practice patients only) (telephone support) | Mondays, 10am to 12pm |
Kilbirnie | Kilbirnie Health Centre, Kirklands Road (for practice patients only) | Tuesdays, 10am to 1pm |
Irvine | Outpatients, Horseshoe Building, Ayrshire Central Hospital (appointment required – call 0800 783 9132 to book) | Tuesdays, 1pm to 5.30pm |
Saltcoats | Saltcoats Group Practice, Raise Street (for practice patients only) (telephone support) | Wednesdays, 9.30am to 11.30am |
Saltcoats | Argyle Community Centre, Donaldson Avenue (drop-in session – no booking required) | Wednesdays, 11.45am to 12.45pm |
Kilwinning | Townhead Pharmacy, Pennyburn Road (appointment required – call 0800 783 9132 to book) | Thursdays, 2pm to 5pm |
You can find further information, including how to refer or self-refer to the service, on the NHS A&A website.
Support is available from CAAST team
The Child and Adolescent Specialist Substance Team (CASST) works with children and young people (aged five to 21) who are affected by alcohol and/or other drug use, whether that be their own use or that of a parent, carer or another member of the family. CASST provides an intensive support service to young people and their families by delivering a tailored programme based around their needs, as identified during an initial assessment. Anyone can refer to CASST, so if you are aware of a young person who could benefit then please get in touch by calling 01294 468213 or emailing CASST@north-ayrshire.gov.uk