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Walk or wheel for points and prizes

Throughout the month of February, the Travel Smart team are asking employees to take 15 mins during the day and look to complete 1 mile of walking or wheeling. (Wheeling includes wheeled mobilities such as manual self -or assistant-propelled wheelchairs, powered wheelchairs and mobility scooters.)

The team are also making the task a bit more exciting by making a challenge with points to be earned for completing your 1 mile walk or wheel:

  • walk or wheel 1 mile – 1 point awarded
  • walk or wheel 1 mile for 3 consecutive days – 5 points awarded
  • walk or wheel 1 mile for 5 consecutive days – 8 points awarded
  • walk or wheel 1 mile for 10 consecutive days – 13 points awarded
  • walk or wheel 1 mile for 15 consecutive days – 18 points awarded
  • walk or wheel 1 mile for 20 consecutive days – 23 points awarded
  • walk or wheel 1 mile for 25 consecutive days – 28 points awarded
  • walk or wheel 1 mile for 28 consecutive days – 35 points awarded

10 Bonus Points are available if you complete any of the below by walking or wheeling:

  • walk or wheel 1 mile or more to work (park the car away from your work destination and walk or wheel into work)
  • walk or wheel 1 mile or more to the shops
  • walk or wheel 1 mile or more to the gym

Prizes: 5 employees who accumulate the most points throughout the month will each win a stainless steel water bottle.

Register all your walking activities online.

Why not keep track of your daily 1 mile walking or wheeling activities, and set yourself a goal for the month of February?

Travel Smart graphic with wheelchair user and person walking

What are the benefits of walking or wheeling for 15 minutes?

  • cardiovascular health: elevates your heart rate, which helps to strengthen your heart and improve blood circulation, potentially lowering your risk of cardiovascular disease

  • mental wellbeing: it can improve mood, reduce stress, and enhance cognitive function

  • weight management: burning calories through walking or wheeling can help with weight control and prevent weight gain.

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