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Work underway on new website

You may be aware that we are in the process of designing and building a brand-new website for NAHSCP.

Work is currently under way to establish an appropriate structure for the site to ensure that members of the public can easily find the information they are looking for.

Staff are invited to take part in a simple ‘card sorting’ exercise to share their views. You can take part online and the process should take no longer than 10 to 15 minutes to complete.

The aim is to click and drag the website topics listed and drop under the headers where you think they would most logically sit from a public perspective. You can add new headers if you think a topic should sit within a section that is not already listed.

A review of the existing site’s current content is also ongoing. All pages of the site have been assigned to ‘content owners’ for them to review the information on that page and check whether changes need to be made.

If you are a content owner and have yet to review the page(s) you are responsible for, please ensure that this is done as soon as possible, as work to build the new pages has already commenced.

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