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New Occupational Health Portal now live!

MyOHPortal – the new online portal to make occupational referrals – is now live!  All referrals to occupational health should now be made through MyOHPortal.  Remember there are User Guides and step-by-step guides on how to use the system are available.  Before making any referrals, managers will have to create an account on the Portal – see the step-by-step guide on how to create an account.

As with any system, accurate and full information is essential. The key identifier for referrals is the employee number – so please make sure you use the correct number (7-digit including leading zeros).  When making a referral the more information you provide the better – see the Making a Referral information.

Note –   Pre-employment health questionnaires:  If you are a manager responsible for recruitment, a new part of the recruitment process is to issue the pre-employment health questionnaire through the Portal as well – so remember to make that referral when you have identified your preferred candidate.

As from today 1 March, if there are any queries regarding occupational health referrals or MyOHPortal, please contact Optima Health on:

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