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Recruitment events will promote roles in social care

Are you a caring and compassionate person who would love to make a difference in your local community?

North Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership’s Care at Home service helps to look after some of our most vulnerable residents, assisting with daily tasks and allowing them to remain independent and living in their own homes for as long as possible.

The service currently has a number of permanent and temporary positions available throughout mainland North Ayrshire and Arran, and the team is holding a number of recruitment information days in the coming weeks where you can find out more about the different roles available, learn about PPE and how it helps to keep our staff and service users safe, and hear about the many employee benefits available.

Staff will also be on hand to offer advice and guidance and assist you with filling in an application form.

Events will be held at the following venues and Covid-19 safety precautions will be in place:

Wednesday 1 September: Former Social Services office, 47 West Road, Low Green, Irvine, 9.30am to 4pm

Tuesday 7 September: Stevenston Day Care Centre, Largs, 9.30am to 4pm

Thursday 9 September: Saltcoats Town Hall, 9.30am to 4pm

Wednesday 15 September: Stevenston Day Care Centre, Largs, 9.30am to 4pm

Please note that current vacancies include roles for both drivers and non-drivers.

Care at Home roles offer a rewarding career within a great team, with good opportunities for promotion.

If you’d like to find out more about the work of the Care at Home service, visit the website: Care at home service – North Ayrshire Health & Social Care Partnership (

Or if you can’t make it along to a recruitment event and would still like to apply, you can browse our current vacancies and apply online at

A big thank you to the 278 people who took the time to complete our feedback survey about Connects. The information shared will help to inform how we design and build the new intranet.

Here’s a quick snapshot of what we’ve learned so far.

Most of those responding access Connects regularly, with 80% visiting the pages at least once a week.

The majority use Connects to find:


We asked what people liked about Connects

We were able to identify the following recurring themes in the responses:

‘one-stop-shop’ for information
user friendly
easy to access
clear layout and navigation
good search engine

We asked what people disliked about Connects

There were recurring themes in the responses to this question too:

difficulties navigating the site
problems with the search engine
not being able to find things, like contact details or documents when not sure of its exact name
out of date information

We asked what people would like to see added to Connects?

We received lots of great suggestions for consideration with the most common being:

personalisation to allow the user to have most used items on display first
an up-to-date directory (names, job descriptions, responsibilities, team structure and contact details) allowing people to quickly and easily find the right person for the job/enquiry

What happens next?

We will identify ways that we can deliver an intranet that addresses the issues raised and adds value to the organisation. A key part of this will be re-examining the site’s navigation and structure. We will be running tests with colleagues and will be in touch with the 41% of you that said you’d be happy to help with testing.

“Like everyone, we faced unprecedented circumstances, however, our teaching and support staff used their skills, knowledge and experience to act, react and respond to the situation we found ourselves in.

– Caroline Amos, Head of Education

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